For your peace of mind

Four Oaks Legal Services provide legal services and advice to both private individuals and corporate clients

For your peace of mind

Four Oaks Legal Services provide legal services and advice to both private individuals and corporate clients

What we can do for you

Four Oaks Legal Services specialises in providing comprehensive advice to private individuals as well as new and established businesses.

We are an independent niche law firm, dealing with all areas of commercial law and estate planning; including Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Trusts and Probate applications.

Why Four Oaks Legal Services?

Our experience and expertise allow us to advise business owners and private individuals alike.

Services for Individuals


Why should you make a Will? There are numerous reasons why, find out more…

Inheritance Tax & Estate Planning

Inheritance Tax is the only tax which you can defeat, find out more…

Probate & Estate Administration

From complex estates to the straightforward, we can help.

Trust Law & Administration

Do you need to protect your property or other assets?

Lasting Powers of Attorney

Lasting Powers of Attorney are a vital part of estate planning, here’s why…

Court of Protection

Our advisors have years of experience dealing with Court of Protection cases, from Deputyships to Trust applications.

Persons under a Disability

If you have a child who is vulnerable, here’s how we can help.

Estate Planning for Businesses

We can help to protect your business when life events happen.

Services for Businesses

Company & Commercial Law

From start-up to succession planning, we can help.

E-Commerce Data Protection

Find out how the post-EU regulatory landscape applies to your business.

Intellectual Property Law

Your rights of ownership of all intellectual property.

Estate Planning for Business Owners

Why succession planning is vital.

Our latest news

Is your Will automatically revoked when you get married?

Is your Will automatically revoked when you get married?

Many people are unaware that a perfectly valid Will is automatically revoked upon marriage. This legal principle, rooted in the idea that marriage significantly alters a person’s financial and personal obligations, can have consequences for estate planning....

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Is your Will automatically revoked when you get married?

Is your Will automatically revoked when you get married?

Many people are unaware that a perfectly valid Will is automatically revoked upon marriage. This legal principle, rooted in the idea that marriage significantly alters a person’s financial and personal obligations, can have consequences for estate planning....

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Get in touch

If you have a query and would like to contact us, you simply need to complete the form below and we will respond as soon as possible.
